Adélia Christening

I am somewhat of a superstitious kind of gal so I truly believe a new sail boat should be blessed and christened and what better reason to have a party.

July 16th 2005 turned out to be a beautiful warm and sunny day at Anacapa Isle Marina in Channel Islands California. Sharing this special day with our family and friends meant a lot to us. Deacon Jim blessed our Adelia with beautiful spiritual words.

I bless this ship and who ever shall sail on her, I christen thee "Adélia" were the words I spoke as I broke the champagne bottle of champagne on the bow. I bless this ship and whom ever will sail on her

Good food and drinks were enjoyed by all.Thank you to our family and friends who participated in our very special day and we hope that you will all join us to see the world through Adélia's eyes.


Good  freinds share our day

We had a wonderful lunch

The Blessing

I Christen thee Adelia

Kip & I had a wonderful day with everyone who attended